Our goal is to provide a collaborative environment for you to connect with other Dynamic Traders. Your activity in the TRC is governed by the following guidelines:

1 – TRC is to help traders understand the Dynamic Trader methodology.
2 – Start a thread with a meaningful title.
3 – In order to be understood by other traders, use correct spelling and grammar and avoid the use of slang.
4 – Do not double post or cross post (placing the same message on the same thread or across several threads).
5 – Do not use words like ”urgent” or ”important” in your subject line, be patient.
6 – Do not chastise new traders who are beginning their trading journey.
7 – Respect other traders time. When asking for help, write concisely and try to limit the length of the post. If asking a question, please provide at least one solution yourself and a screen capture if need be using a computer-based screenshot. Do not add a photo of a computer screen to TRC taken from a handheld camera device. TRC maintains a high quality of published content.
8 – Everything in TRC stays in TRC (i.e. no public posts or Tweets, etc).You must not carry on a business that competes with Dynamic Trader of training about trading or investing. We often share confidential information here and this cannot be shared publicly. Our trading methods are unique and for everyone’s benefit we’d like to keep it that way. TRC members may also share private information and we must respect each other’s confidentiality. Violation of the confidentiality clause will result in expulsion from the community.
9 – Be respectful to other members. Disagreeing is fine and voicing it is encouraged but do so in a respectful manner. 12 – Personal or petulant remarks, including accusations of wrong doing are not permitted in TRC.
10 – This is absolutely a ‘no sales zone’. Under no circumstances are you to market or sell your products or services to other community members. Any attempt to sell or market to the community will result in expulsion from TRC.
11 – This is a ‘football free zone’. In football and other sports emotions can run high but trading is emotion-free. Plus, please keep all communications relevant and on topic.
12 – News is informative, statements are interesting, questions provoke thought but judgements limit exploration. Use each one wisely.
13 – Users may not make suggestions of new features or improvements for Dynamic Trader Ltd on TRC. TRC is a trading-related forum only. Suggestions should only be provided through email to Dynamic Trader Ltd.
14 – As you have been granted access to the TRC, please become actively involved. Both your questions and answers will help everyone.
15 – Users may not submit User Content that is unlawful or otherwise objectionable. This includes, but is not limited to, Content which is abusive, threatening, hateful or otherwise discriminatory on the grounds of gender, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, disability or age.
16 – Users may not submit User Content that is libellous or otherwise defamatory of any individual or organisation.
17- Users may not submit User Content that is sexually explicit, pornographic, vulgar, violent, obscene or intended to promote or incite violence.
18 – Users may not impersonate or pass themselves off as other people, particularly employees and representatives of Dynamic Trader Ltd or its affiliates.
19 – Users may not submit User Content that may contain viruses or any other software or instructions that may damage or disrupt other software, computer hardware or communications networks.The private message (PM) system of TRC allows users to send messages to other members in private. Where applicable, the same guidelines apply to the PM system as apply to messages posted on TRC.
20 – Users may not use the Service for unauthorised mass-communication such as spam or junk mail.
21 – Users may not openly argue with admin or moderators or criticise in general – send Dynamic Trader Ltd a private message if you disagree with something.
22 – By submitting User Content, Users warrant and represent that they are the author of such material or that they have acquired all of the appropriate rights and / or permissions to use the material in this fashion. Further, Users waive all moral rights in the User Content to be named as its author and grant Dynamic Trader Ltd a licence to modify the User Content as necessary for its inclusion on TRC and the Website.
23 – Dynamic Trader Ltd does not screen User Content prior to it appearing on the TRC. Dynamic Trader Ltd retains the right to exercise at its sole discretion to remove or relocate any User Content as it deems appropriate without the consent of the author. Dynamic Trader Ltd shall be under no obligation to exercise such discretion. If Users wish to inquire as to the removal of Users Content, queries should be submitted to Dynamic Trader Ltd. This does not constitute an undertaking by the Dynamic Trader Ltd to explain its actions.
24 – Users acknowledge that Dynamic Trader Ltd may retain copies of any and all communications made using our System. All content is granted to Dynamic Trader Ltd with perpetual electronic publishing rights. Any content posted on TRC becomes part of the TRC even if the User is no longer a part of the TRC or a member of the Website.
25 – Dynamic Trader administrators have the final say. If you have a problem, please send an email to Dynamic Trader Ltd. Creating threads or posts that question or reference administrative decisions or potential administrative decisions is not permitted and may result in the user(s) being removed.
26 – Dynamic Trader Ltd retains the right to exercise at its sole discretion to remove any User from the TRC network and terminate the Website membership should the Acceptable Use Policy be violated. This includes but is not limited to Users who have been deemed to be inactive for a certain period of time.
27 – If a user has failed to contribute in TRC or an account is inactive for a period of time or an accurate user profile photo has not been uploaded then the account may be restricted or removed without notification.
28 – Enjoy and have FUN! =)